code version available here
const introduction = () => { const hello = "Hi π I'm Aaron, a software engineer aspiring to drive impact through technology. "; const experience = " ...with experience across big4, startups, nonprofits, and the public sector. "; const leadership = "I've led 10 teams to deliver $100,000 of probono strategy consulting services, and continue to mentor VCE students from under-privileged communities to improve their access to computer science education. "; const 2024goals = { University: "Graudate July 2024", Projects: "Create 3 projects for my portfolio: 1x Wordle clone, 1x FinTech product, 1x HealthTec product. ", Blog: "1x post per month. ", Leetcode: "Complete Grind75"; Career: "Land the graduate job of my dreams πππππππππ", }; const ambitions = `In 2024 I'm aspring to ${2024goals.values().toString()}`; const letsConnect = " return hello + experience + leadership + ambitions; };
const yourTurn = (response) => { // lets keep this convo going const aaronsContact = getAaronsContact(); // prompts if or case code // collaboration opporuntites // website ideas // leetcode study buddy const received = sendToAaron(response); return received; };
const reading = getCurrentlyReading(); // Pragmattic Programmer /* This book beautifully converys the art of , giving me a new perspective. I have much to learn. */ const listeningTo = getCurrentlyListeningTo(); // const watching = getCurrentlyWatching(); // /* One of these days I'll figure out dynamic programming π */